The cold developed, and blossomed, and this has been a very busy week of ministry, as you can imagine. I have only run twice, a total of 8 miles.
My first run, on Wednesday, lasted just over an hour, and although fairly sedate in pace, left me feeling a lot better for having done it. I was past the worst of the headcold, and it hadn't yet got to the annoying cough stage. My second run was at parkrun on Saturday - in truth I felt I could hardly spare the time, but that made it seem all the more important to go. And I was enjoying it, until the last half mile or so, when I noticed a niggling pain in my right calf. It became uncomfortable enough that I had to walk the rest of the way - it didn't hurt when I walked, but did when I tried to run.
So, there we are - I appear to have strained a muscle in my calf, although how I have done so when running very slowly and gently, I can't imagine. It's not painful.... until I try to do something more vigorous than walking. Up and down stairs is slightly uncomfortable, but manageable. The general advice of my running friends is that I'm looking at a couple of weeks' rest from running to allow it to heal, although any activity I can do without pain is OK. But the best training for running is running, so this is all a bit annoying!
Christmas is just 3 days away, my cold has progressed to the annoying chesty cough stage, and I can't run at the moment. Life is full of ups and downs, but all we can do is respond to them as they come. After Christmas, we have a little time to relax, so I'm going to take a break from blogging as well. After all, there won't be any running to report.
So, I hope you all have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year. I'll be back in January - hopefully with better news.
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